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Paintball med Young Logistics

Forfatterens bilde: sinlilledahlsinlilledahl

🎉 TAKK for et utrolig morsomt Paintball-eventyr i går med Young Logistics-gjengen! 🎨💥 Stemningen var på topp, latteren satt løst, og konkurranseinstinktet var skyhøyt. Det var virkelig en dag fylt med mange gode øyeblikk og masse moro!

Vi vil rette en stor takk til alle som deltok og bidro til å gjøre arrangementet til en suksess og til Tore og Monica fra styret som organiserte alt i bakgrunnen :)

Hold øynene åpne for kommende arrangementer, for vi har masse spennende på agendaen. 💼🚀

Tusen takk for at dere er en del av Young Logistics! 💪 #YoungLogistics #PaintballFun 🎉🔫


🎉 THANK YOU for an incredibly fun Paintball event yesterday with the Young Logistics gang! 🎨💥 The atmosphere was amazing, the laughter was loud, and the competitive instinct was sky high. It was truly a day filled with many great moments and lots of fun!

A big thank you to everyone who participated and helped make the event a success and to Tore and Monica from the YL board who organized everything in the background :)

Keep your eyes open for upcoming events, because we have lots of exciting things on the agenda. 💼🚀

Thank you very much for being part of Young Logistics! 💪 #YoungLogistics #PaintballFun 🎉🔫

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